(´-`).。oO(最近、機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイがお気に入り♪)
It is a play distribution of the Japanese game”Princess Connect! Re: Dive”
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I hope you will come to see it again.
プリンセスコネクト!Re:Dive【プリコネR】最新動画まとめ ゲーム動画を色々まとめてみました。
(´-`).。oO(最近、機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイがお気に入り♪)
It is a play distribution of the Japanese game”Princess Connect! Re: Dive”
Thanks for watching
I would be grateful if you could comment on this game.
I hope you will come to see it again.